
Posts Tagged ‘MMR’

Brian Cox: The Science of Impartiality

January 27, 2011 2 comments

Trendy TV Scientist Brian Cox says that the an obsession with impartiality has left the public confused by which science to believe.

Speaking at the Hugh Wheldon Lecture in December 2010, he said that views which were strongly against scientific consensus were being given too much air time. Especially by the BBC.

He uses the MMR controversy as the perfect example of the media incorrectly publicising a marginalised viewpoint.  This example shows exactly what can happen if impartiality is taken to mean complete and indiscriminate reporting balance.

He does defend the right for scientific debate to take place in the public. Despite disagreeing with The Great Global Warming Swindle, he is happy for it to be broadcast as long as it is clearly advertised as partisan.

Seems about right to me. What a jolly sensible chap. And he tinkled the ivories on this delightful little number:

What a hero.