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Calum’s Conclusions

March 10, 2011 Leave a comment

Before we talk this subject to death, I think it’s time to sum up everything we’ve been through.

It is very clear from discussions on Straight Down The Middle, Twitter, during our presentation and by adventuring around the internet, that impartiality is a debate which is very much alive.

People expect it, demand it, and yet are often happy for it to be ignored. It is a pet topic for those looking at the practice of journalism and as there is never going to be an ultimate conclusion, everyone can continue to have their input.

I think everyone seems to be in favour of public service broadcasting, such as the BBC, trying its best to be impartial, because that is what we are paying for.

Pretty much everyone else though should get a bit of leeway to do as they please, as long as it is acknowledged that they are reporting things that way.

Most importantly, I think we have seen that impartiality is a rather personal process. Each individual has their own inputs into journalism, so impartiality will come from a slightly different place for everyone. But this is where the journalist earns their crust, by striving to be impartial.

And I think we are all on our way to finding that crust!